Still on the Hey Fungi! Go Back To your Roots soup
The flavours have merged more today, there's more herb coming through. Still very nice...still very thick.
Today i have a recipe for the perfect bread to go with the Hey Fungi! soup:
Crusty White Bread
800g (1¾lb) Strong White Flour
450ml (¾ pint) Lukewarm Water
25g (1oz) Fresh Yeast
15g (½ oz) Lard
2 tsp Salt
Mix the flour and salt together, rub in the lard.
Dissolve the sugar in a little of the water and use to mix the yeast into a smooth thin paste, then add to the remaining water.
Make a well in the centre of the flour and pour in the liquid. Mix together well and then knead for at least 5 minutes, until it becomes a smooth, elastic dough.
Shape into a ball and place in a warmed lightly greased bowl, cover and leave in a warm place for two hours to allow it to rise.
Turn out on to a floured surface and knock out all of the air.
Knead again until springy and smooth.
Reshape into a ball and place in a warmed lightly greased bowl, cover and leave in a warm place for an hour to allow it to rise again.
Divide the dough in half and place into two well-greased 2lb (900g) loaf tins.
Cover the tins and place in a warm place for 40 - 45 minutes to allow the dough to rise.
Preheat oven to 230°C: 450°F: Gas 8 and bake for 40-45 minutes.
www.Foody.comThis thick, hearty soup really needs a good farmhouse crusty loaf to go with it.